Sunday, August 25, 2013

misery mistress

is your misery mistress,

your muse of a different caliber,

it’s like playing
Russian Roulette

with a modicum
of pharmacology.

you fear what you don’t understand,

and dabble where you don’t belong

to satisfy this gnawing beast

Saturday, August 24, 2013


You trade in one addiction for another. 
the powder
for cigarettes 
the pills 
for booze. 

you swap your cynicism 
for religion 
and your addiction to hate 
for mindless sex...

Your soul is adulterated.

You are wasting away.

you wreak havoc. 

self destruction,
your choice to make. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


there is a ruckusamongst us,
and it shall be soon
when arms are raised
against the shadow that looms

Sunday, August 18, 2013


You ask me to tell you who you are.

I am not her. 

I'll leave you empty handed,
because I cannot be your cold,
dreary rain, and tell you to sleep through the beautiful sunrise.

I cannot help you find what you want,
but, if you follow the pockets of silence,
I have a feeling you will discover the unexpected.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


You wear a mask for work,
another for family,

You have two for friends,
depending on which ones
are around at the moment...

Yet a different one
for out in social situations,
or public places,

You keep several in your
car as well.

As an estimate,
there must be around twelve.

No wonder we can never find ourselves. 

How would that be even possible,
when we can’t decide on what
face to show the world?

Thursday, August 15, 2013


There will be nights
when you'll try to erase
my name from your lover's skin
with your tongue...
and days when you'll kiss
harder to drown out the failed punchline of my mouth.
But for what it’s worth love,
you know as well as I do,
that what is written
on the body once,
will never disappear...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


She radiated warmth
everywhere she went.

You could almost see the flames
slipping off her tongue when she spoke.

Embers glowed red hot beneath her fingernails,
as she singed each and every person she touched.

The fire within her burned so bright.

And you keep those burns I gave you as reminders...

Reminders of my touch,
reminders of my love,
...of my fire.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


When you try to put
two magnets together,
there is a force that
makes them repel.
And no matter how
hard you push, they will
never meet each other.
Certain relationships
are a lot like that.
Some continuously push harder
but they fail to see
how the one they love pulls away.
because sometimes,
there just isn’t enough love
between you
to hold you together
no matter how hard you try.
There will always be that
force keeping you apart.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


some people bring out 
the worst in you, 
others bring out the best.
and then there are those remarkably rare, 
addictive ones who just bring out the most
--of everything.
they make you feel so alive.

they would do anything for you,
no matter the consequences,
that you’d follow them straight
into hell, just to keep getting your fix.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Sometimes in life,
you meet certain people
who will fuck your shit up.
We don’t know why,
some kind of cosmic
joke? Who knows. 
But it's terrifying
how little you will be able
to control yourself.
The bills will go unpaid.
Words will be thrown in faces.
And fists will splatter,
destroying your perfectly
imperfect homemade hell.
There will be flies in the kitchen,
and an empty plate of feelings
in the microwave waiting for you
when you walk in the door.
But there will always
be that smile flirting
with my lips...
Too much of anything
will grab you, break you
and swallow you whole.
Now may be a good time
to go on a long journey, love.
The stars think you need to clear your head. The stars think you need to run.
Run from your problems. Because we all know if you run from them, they always go away.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


They say trust is like
giving someone a gun
and praying they don't shoot.
But what they don't know,
is that I am the bullet
and you are a faulty weapon
with an all-too-easy trigger.
No matter how much
we think we complete
each other,
when we touch,
we are only
doing damage.
Because we are held
by a world that cannot
handle a loaded gun baby. 

And too many lives
have been wasted
by wanting
what will ruin
us in the end.

Friday, August 2, 2013

candle flames

We’re all dying.

Most of the time,
our brains make us
forget that fact.
But sometimes,
we’re reminded of this fact
in the strangest ways.

It’s like someone throwing cold water over us while we’re fast asleep in the sun- and waking up to our own mortality staring right at us.
We are so small and breakable.
We’re like candle flames...

One small breath,
and we become
the darkness.